Meet the art collective "Hoast", supporting contemporary art and craft on the coast in the North East of England.
I first met Hoast at their summer showcase, held back in June at the Tynemouth café named "Bistro du Parc". Walls of this gorgeous little bistro were completely covered in art, the floor absolutely packed with people. Bistro du Parc's owner Viviane Chatel is artist herself, and one of the two Co-Directors of Hoast, alongside Co-Director and Artist Beth J Ross.
Also joining us live, four of the nearly forty other artists / crafters who were included in their summer showcase; each representing different focuses and specialisms. 
Igor Tavares a.k.a. “Sphyfro” - an Artist / Poet / Dancer, who shared about his upcoming work based on the four "elements" of fire, water, earth, and fire.
Irmy Werner - often exhibiting at the Tynemouth marker, Irmy is a Jeweller, and she runs community craft-based workshops.
Adam Daniels - a Contemporary Artist, who specialises in landscape painting, and is putting together a series
Ruth Siddals - an Artist who shared about her collaborative approach to this exhibition with Hoast, and how bringing together thoughts from varying artists has helped inform her own practice through reflection.
We chatted about the strength of spaces like Hoast in engaging both members of the public and artists alike, the value it can bring to artwork itself, and the importance of providing a space for artists to exhibit work together - whether "high art" or grass-roots.

Recorded Live: 9th September 2019
Beth J Ross - Artist / Co-Director of Hoast
Viviane Chatel - Artist / Owner of Bistro du Parc / Co-Director of Hoast
Igor Tavares a.k.a. “Sphyfro” - Artist / Poet / Dancer
Irmy Werner - Jeweller / Craft Workshop Facilitator
Adam Daniels - Contemporary Artist
Ruth Siddals - Artist
A Jay Sykes Media podcast
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