“We’re working with The Crips, the Bloods, and the Mexican Mafia on a huge interactive film.”
“You couldn’t make it up.”
Paul and Nicky must have been on a high in the studio, after returning from a series of meetings in the USA, but it was the effortlessness with which Paul Irwin, Creator & Director of the Newcastle-based interactive filmmaking company TryLife TV trailed their latest project in development that had me most stunned.
“We’ve gone from strength to strength - creating educational materials, getting them into schools. I’m so proud that we’ve been able to create something that’s definitely changing the world.” - Nicky Kaur, Founding Member / Logistics of TryLife TV.
The company was born from a unique dovetailing of Paul Irwin’s key interests. “When I was a kid, I used to love reading Choose Your Own Adventure books. Then I realised, when I was teaching youth work sessions with young people, I could utilise interactive media to engage those young people,” - Paul Irwin, Creator & Director of TryLife TV.
Listen to find out more about the journey behind this company, from a small-scale production company based in Newcastle to the international powerhouse of interactive storytelling that they’ve become today. Hear about their ethos, their take on collaboration, their experience of gathering funding, and the challenges they faced along the way.
Recorded Live: 12th August 2019
Contributors: Paul Irwin, Nicky Kaur
A Jay Sykes Media podcast